Morpeth teenage karter wins Teesside Sprint title

A young motorsport enthusiast from Morpeth is making a name for himself in the world of karting.
Sebastian Parreira in action.Sebastian Parreira in action.
Sebastian Parreira in action.

Sebastian Parreira, aged 13, recently landed the winter sprint title in the Junior Prokart championship at the third and final round of the event, which was held on Teesside.

To secure the title, Seb competed in all three championship rounds, winning eight out of the nine races.

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His win in round one also won him the coveted ‘0’ plate, which gives him the accolade of racing as the number 0 in 2022 at Teesside.

The teenager has been a keen karter for a couple of years, having got his first kart at the age of 11 after cutting his teeth in the sport by attending an indoor karting track in Newcastle before that.

He has since raced in local outdoor championships at Teesside, Warden Law near Sunderland, and Cumbria, as well as having competed in a couple of national championships in 2021, which saw him racing at tracks all over the UK.

2022 is already shaping up to be a busy year for Seb and he hopes the success at the winter sprint championship will put him in good stead for the new season ahead.

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In addition to competing in the 2022 Teesside Sprint Championship throughout the year, Seb will also compete in two national championships, the first of which is the British Prokart Endurance Championship, where Sebastian will compete with two team mates in six hour endurance races against another 49 karts.

He will also compete in the British 24 hour race at Teesside which normally sees about 100 karts racing.

Father Joao added: “In addition, he will also compete in the Junior ProKart National Championship which will feature in an Amazon Prime documentary about young grassroots racing drivers, so there will be plenty of action to keep him busy!”

Seb is currently sitting in second place in the national junior prokart Championship after a successful weekend at Rowrah.

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He is delighted to already have two well known local businesses as sponsors: Simon Finlay Plumbing & Heating and WINN Electrical Services.

If any other local businesses would be interested to join his journey and help out with sponsorship, they can contact Seb through his Facebook page @SebRacing21

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